GraceLife Blog

Thoughts About God's Amazing Grace

About the Author


Mark McGee is a Christian apologist, career journalist, and former atheist. God saved him by grace through faith in Jesus Christ in 1971. Mark became a full-time professional journalist in January 1968 and retired in May 2009. He worked on the news staff of several radio and television stations and two large metropolitan newspapers. Mark also started news and information websites for multiple television stations. He was a reporter, correspondent, anchor, managing editor, executive producer, and news director during a four decade career in news. He continues to write about journalism and the news media on a weekly basis.

Mark attended Luther Rice Bible College after becoming a Christian with a focus on theology, pastoring, and apologetics. He has been actively involved as a Bible teacher for more than 50 years. He started GraceLife Ministries and Fellowship (GMAF) in 1990 for the purpose of teaching the Bible through inductive study, writing, and speaking.

Mark became involved in apologetics (Faith Defense) soon after becoming a Christian because of how apologetics led him to become a Christian. He studied Christian Apologetics through Biola University and is currently involved in supporting several apologetics ministries. Mark was involved with Ratio Christi Campus Apologetics Alliance and Christian Apologetics Alliance for several years. He is currently involved with Engage360, which is a ministry that emphasizes the importance of apologetics in evangelism. Mark also works with pastors in Africa and Asia in the areas of apologetics and evangelism. He has authored two books and more than 800 free eBooks about Christianity, Christian Martial Arts, Journalism, and Health.

Mark is also editor of the well-known Chinese Martial Arts book, The Chinese Five Word Song. He has been involved with martial arts since 1961 and joined Judo and Karate for Christ in 1972 (now known as Karate for Christ International). He is a 7th Degree Black Belt and 7th Degree Black Sash, and founded Grace Martial Arts in 1990 for the purpose of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through martial arts ministries. He also serves as Alabama Representative for the International Network of Christian Martial Artists and is a member of the Christian Black Belt Association.

Contact Mark McGee by emailing him at

GraceLife © 1990-2024


8 thoughts on “About the Author

  1. I wish i would have know about the Grace Life, a long time ago, but was stuck in PENTECOSTAL CHURCH FOR MANY YEARS, untill know,

  2. Mark, you and I go back all the way to 9th grade. I remember being over at your house a couple of times. I also remember us doing some skits together at church. There were also some good times during high school. God had already saved me by grace through faith in Jesus Christ when I was 9 years old.

    I just wanted you to know I read this. I am now so happy to call you not only my friend but also my brother in Christ! I can see that you had a successful career the first half of your life. I can also see where the second half of your life is a significant one. Because of your willingness, God has really used you. I am proud of you. May God continue to bless your ministry.

    1. Hi, Mike! Thank you for your kind remarks. You were one of my best friends during high school and I am so grateful that we will continue to be friends throughout eternity. Blessings! Mark

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